Waad announces the date of his ceremony in Saudi Arabia


  Waad announces the date of his ceremony in Saudi Arabia
Promise announces the date of his ceremony in Saudi Arabia

Promise announces the date of his ceremony in Saudi Arabia Nasim News quoting the Arab morning We publish a promise of Announce the date of the ceremony in Saudi Arabia,

Naseem News The singer promises to revive a concert "women only" in Abha, Saudi Arabia, Friday, July 20, with the opening of the concert in the city of Jeddah. Nine o'clock in the evening, the promise of the concert is followed by singer Bahraini Hind.

Promised to make a promise during the ceremony a lot of the most famous songs that interact with his audience, and the most important of these songs on "Maine" and "beyond me" and "it's the rest of "and" with you ".

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Source: The Arab Morning

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