Warning .. Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and quaternary cerebral obesity


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – According to a recent scientific study published in the European Journal of Cardiology, factors affecting the health of blood vessels, such as smoking, high blood pressure, pulse, obesity and diabetes, are related to brain damage.

According to the American medical website "MedicalXpress"The study examined the links between seven factors affecting blood vessels and differences in brain structure.

To confirm the results of the study, researchers at Dr. Simon Cox, Senior Scientist at the Center for Cognitive Aging and Epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, UK, examined the brains of 9772 people in 44 at 79 with MRI.

The researchers found that all other cardiovascular risk factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity, are linked to increased contraction of the brain, a reduction in gray matter (The tissue located on the surface of the brain) and the white substance (tissue in the deep parts of the brain) And the risk factors for blood vessels that the person was suffering from were the health problems of his brain.

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