Watch the objectives and events of the match Barcelona-Girona


(9) and Lionel Messi (68), both goals.

The Barca keeps its lead with 49 points and Girona is 13th with 24 points.

Follow the goals and events of the match

Barcelona finished with a 2-0 win over Girona

93: Messi makes a series of oddities and places the ball in front of Suarez, who has a weak point

92: Coutinho dribbles the goalkeeper and does not score the third goal

77: Yassine Bono with Messi

69: Messi scored a superb goal against goalkeeper Bono (19 goals for Argentina in La Liga)

56: Girona continues to threaten the fortresses of Barcelona

50: Stephanie is shot and Terr Stegen flashes

Beginning of the second period

The end of the first half of Barcelona advance in the Catalunya derby on Girona with a goal of zero

42: Spades saves Barcelona and removes the ball

16: Brazilian Coutinho threatened goalkeeper Yassin Puno

9: The Portuguese Simedo open the scoring for Barcelona

The beginning of the match between Derby and Catalonia Barcelona And host Girona

The starting lineup for both teams:



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