Water is found in a planet other than Earth for the first time in history


Scientists are still struggling to find life on a planet other than Earth, and countries have poured huge sums of money into research and space flights. Certainly, various scientific approaches to space have emphasized the idea of ​​the existence of water as a prerequisite for the existence of life as we know it on Earth. Today, for the first time in history, man has found water on a planet that he has discovered outside the solar system.

In addition to water, found on a planet discovered in 2015, the K2-18b orbit around its distant star is 9 trillion kilometers, or 110 billion light-years away from the Earth, which allows life to emerge, as it is far from its dwarf star in the Constellation of Leo. "But it is the only one of the two most important living conditions among all the planets discovered outside the solar system: the water and an appropriate temperature make it liquid on its surface", according to astronomers from the British monthly Astronomy Astronomy. The results of his observation of his famous "Hubble" telescope.

Footprint of water vapor in the atmosphere
The planet discovered in 2015 and closely monitored since this year regularly revolves around its star. She recently discovered a fingerprint of water vapor in her atmosphere and discovered that it was a "giant earth" that was eight times the mass of the planet and a diameter equal to twice the diameter. Observers also discovered that it does not look like the Earth because it is much heavier and its atmosphere has a different composition. "However, this poses a fundamental question to us as to whether the Earth is unique," according to astronomer supervisor, Angelos Tsiaras, of the University of London, "Finding water in a potentially viable world, on earth, is very exciting, "he said in the magazine.

Because liquid water is a prerequisite for life as we know it on Earth, it is important to know the temperature of the planet discovered, because it allows its liquid or freezing existence. More than 4,000 planets have been discovered outside the solar system, most of them in orbit, but scientists have found no indication, with the exception of the K2-18b discovered by NASA's Kepler telescope . Throughout the years 2016 and 2017, Hubble has enabled its observers to find molecules of water vapor, as well as traces of hydrogen and helium in the atmosphere, as well as that possibilities of nitrogen and methane.

However, the water and rock surface of the planet, in addition to all these gases, if they are detected, may not be sufficient for the emergence and development of life because it there is a big problem, are the qualities of its red dwarf star "and contrary to the possibility of life as we know it, because the star is very active and expose K2 Most likely for high radiation," explained astronomers from the University of London. However, the discovery of the effects of water in the water makes it an important topic for future studies because it is the most likely candidate for the existence of a kind of extraterrestrial life among all the planets found up to now in the space because some are rocky, but without being in orbit In the "living environment" or without indication of the presence of water or a giant gas. K2-18b is the only difference.

This article "The imprint of steam in the atmosphere. Find water on a planet other than Earth for the first time in history". Responsibility for the news or its authenticity rests with the original source of information, Lebanon 24.

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