# Wattsab warns its users of a "fatal trick" to steal data


Paris: The application of "Watts Aap" all users, that he describes as "the trick and the new trick killer."

The Sunday Sunday Express pointed out that the new trick can cause the theft of personal and banking data for all users [1969002] The trick comes in the form of a new promotional message according to which the & rsquo; The user will receive free good Watts A from any of the world's famous cafes.

But for Wattsb users, He must fill a voucher with his personal data, through which hackers enter to break through his personal and bank accounts.

"Dear customer, we learned fraud, which talks about having free vouchers via Watts Abe to celebrate our 50th birthday, but that's wrong and it's a scam we do not have. We made no offer like that. "

The "Watts Ab" to stop several counterfeit messages by his service, but failed to stop the spread of this false message, which has cost the lives of thousands of users, according to the British newspaper.

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