We dream of a strong union organization to defend our problems – Egypt now


Minister of Manpower: We dream of a strong labor organization to defend our demands The Minister of Manpower, Mohamed Saffan, pointed out that the world of work was the strongest and the closest to the dream of Arab unity, adding that he dreamed of having a job. a strong union organization that will be the nucleus of the Arab world's unity and work together to defend our problems.
This happened during the conference held in Kuwait from 12 to 14 March in the presence of Mohamed Saffan, Minister of Labor, Ghassan Ghosn, Secretary General of the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions, Salem Shabib, president of the Kuwait Workers' Federation, Mohamed Hamad Al-Hajri. Egyptian Ambassador Tariq Al-Koni, with the participation of about 8 Member States.
The minister added that conspiracies were perpetrated against the Arab countries and that no country was in danger, but that the one who was safe yesterday is facing the problems of today and tomorrow. that our role is to support him until he finds his stone stumbling block.
"We must put aside our personal differences and unity in our eyes, calling on all trade unionists to take responsibility for the capabilities of the Arab nation and to unite to help countries in crisis protect their workers.
The Minister of Manpower said that he had never forgotten that he was a trade unionist before being a minister, pointing out that 28 million Egyptian workers were responsible for his neck.

Source Dawn

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