Welcome The Arabs and the world The President of the "Syrian people" participates in the meetings of the Arab Parliamentary Union in Amman in my country


The 29th session of the Arab Parliamentary Union began today in Amman with the participation of the presidents of 17 Arab parliaments, chaired by Syria, still outside the League of Arab States, while its return to the Organization was divided.

"We are meeting in the midst of delicate Arab conditions, unresolved issues and problems that our people are trying to solve," said Jordanian parliament speaker Atif Tarawneh at the opening of the session.

"There is no stability in the region and in the region without a just solution that guarantees the end of the occupation and guarantees Palestinians the establishment of their state on their national territory and of their capital East Jerusalem, "he said.

With regard to Syria, al-Tarawneh stressed "that it is necessary to take effective measures to reach a political solution that guarantees the unity of Syria and its people, gives back to the Syria its recovery and restores its role as a cornerstone of stability in the region "Against the terrorist organization and support efforts that pave the way for the voluntary repatriation of Syrian refugees.

Syrian President Hamouda Sabbagh takes part in the conference. Syria's accession to the Arab League was suspended with the beginning of the conflict in that country in 2011.

Egyptian Parliament Speaker Ali Abdel-Aal said: "We have decided that the only issue on our agenda would be the first Arabs and Palestine as the capital." "We must all forget our differences and go to the State of Palestine, We must offer all our help and gratitude to the Palestinian people before an enemy who knows only the power of arms."

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