Welcome The Arabs and the world The text of the speech of the President of the Arab Parliament at the conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Luxor in my country


General Saad Al-Jammal, Deputy Speaker of the Arab Parliament, delivered a speech on behalf of Dr. Mishal Bin Fahm Al-Salami, Speaker of the Arab Parliament, at the Inter-Parliamentary Union – United Nations Regional Conference on the Role of Parliamentarians in the Fighting the threat of foreign terrorist fighters and the challenges associated with them "Egypt 26 February 2019.

The text of the speech reads as follows: "HE Mr. Ali Abdel-Al, Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament, President of the Arab Parliamentary Union.

His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, His Excellency Mr. Antonio Pedro, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, Mr. Martin Chungong, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Excellencies and Excellencies Representatives of the United Nations Programs, of the European Union, Ladies and Gentlemen, Honorable Hearing:

On behalf of His Excellency Mr. Meshaal Bin Fahm Al-Salami, Speaker of the Arab Parliament, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the Inter-Parliamentary Union for its kind invitation to the Arab Parliament to participate in the activities of the first conference. Regional Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the United Nations. On the fight against terrorism and extremism leading to terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa under the title "The role of parliamentarians in countering the threat of foreign terrorist fighters and the challenges associated with it" , and thanks to the Excellencies members of the advisory group The level of the Inter-Parliamentary Union on the Fight against Terrorism and Extremism under the chairmanship of HE Dr. Amal Al Qubaisi, President of the Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates , for its tireless efforts undertaken by the Group to consolidate regional and international parliamentary cooperation to combat terrorism and extremism.

I have the honor to deliver the speech of His Excellency Meshal Bin Fahmy Al-Salami, Speaker of the Arab Parliament.

In the name of God, be praised, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, Excellencies, Excellencies,

First of all, I would like to pay tribute to the Inter-Parliamentary Union for having chosen the theme of the first regional conference in partnership with the United Nations on the role of parliamentarians in the fight against the phenomenon of the threat of migrants. aliens and returnees who exacerbate, prolong and avoid conflict and pose a serious threat to their countries of origin. And where the threat posed by these terrorists spreads to all regions and states, international and regional cooperation will be needed to strengthen the capacity of states to deal effectively with this threat, to develop legislative and judicial efforts to enforce the law and facilitate international cooperation efforts to effectively combat the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters.

The Arab Parliament believes that security in its integral and integral sense is inseparable, including crimes of violence, terrorism, drugs, money laundering, arms trafficking, human trafficking , illegal migration and other transnational organized crime. No country can cope with these different threats that need to be addressed. As a complex and innovative global phenomenon, developed with modern means, including through social networks and Internet sites, it is necessary to intensify regional and international efforts and to mobilize energies and solidarity. to eliminate causes and roots and mitigate their effects.

Excellencies, Honorable Public:

The Arab Parliament, as a representative of the great Arab people, expresses its hopes and defends its causes, recognizing the great challenges facing the country and the events that call for a doubling of Arab efforts to deal with the growing phenomenon of terrorism, extremism and extremism. And the repercussions of all this on the unity and the fabric of the Arab nation.

The Arab Parliament opened the Third Conference of the Arab Parliament and Presidents of Arab Parliaments and Parliaments with the participation of the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the President of the Assembly Parliament of the Mediterranean, the Council for Islamic Cooperation, the Arab Cooperation Council, the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice, The Arab Global Document on Countering Extremism and Terrorism, which is an important document in the history of Arab parliamentary action, reflects a unified Arab parliamentary vision for the fight against extremism and terrorism. Extremism and terrorism, in line with new content and a comprehensive approach to the fight against terrorism at the social, economic, political, cultural, educational, technical and legal levels, and the transformation of the confrontation of isolated actions of individual states into a planning overall strategic

The document represents an Arab parliamentary contribution from a public point of view that integrates with official Arab policies and procedures, reflects the very specific circumstances of our Arab nation and adds our Arab vision and identity to international and regional efforts to fight against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. And terrorist groups, crimes against humanity as a whole, and the lifting of the Arab Parliament's document on the League of Arab States to be submitted to the Council of the League of Arab States at the summit.

Stressing the full support of the Arab Parliament for the right of the Arab States to confront any aggression against their societies and their citizens, as well as the institutions of the State and its organs, in which all Arab States are exposed to the dangers of terrorism have taken legislative, legal and security measures to prevent them from being threatened and attacked threatening their social peace. And to ensure the preservation of its sovereignty and national territory, we attach great importance to the efforts of the Arab countries to counter extremism and heinous patterns of terrorism by:

First: To take up the preventive aspect through the creation of centers to promote the values ​​of knowledge, tolerance and peaceful coexistence, promote the dialogue of civilizations based on peace and fight against violence. extremist ideology.

Secondly, the establishment of the Islamic Military Coalition for the Fight against Terrorism, led by Saudi Arabia and joined by forty-one Arab and Islamic countries.

Excellencies, Honorable Audience: We affirm our sincere efforts to strengthen parliamentary cooperation and coordination of regional and international efforts to counter terrorism and extremism, and present the vision of the Arab Parliament to deal with terrorism. threat of foreign terrorist fighters on the following points:

• Advocate for international and regional parliamentary cooperation to propose innovative ideas and new ways of working to develop legislative and legal instruments to strengthen counter-terrorism mechanisms, including the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters.

• Inviting the international community to implement the measures set out in UN Security Council Resolution 2178 (2014), including countering the methods of financing, facilitation and displacement adopted by foreign terrorist fighters, increasing 39. Use of AIP information, improve border security measures and ensure coordination and speed up the prosecution of terrorists and other persons involved in the recruitment, organization and financing of travel and related activities, and to strengthen mechanisms for international assistance in the field of criminal justice.

• Stop the criminal propaganda of terrorist groups and reduce the spread of messages of incitement to violence and recruitment on social networks and the Internet, as well as cooperation with Internet service providers in this area.

• International cooperation in capacity building that has an effective impact on the forms of technical assistance needed by the most affected States, particularly those facing the need to allocate significant resources to fight against the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters, including those engaged in conflict zones.

In conclusion, we affirm the position of the Arab Parliament and its total solidarity with the Arab Republic of Egypt in its capacity as President, Government, Parliament and People in its fight against the forces of terrorism and heinous extremism and its support in all its plans and actions aimed at combating extremist terrorist groups in order to preserve the security and stability of the Arab Republic of Egypt. "We wish this important and successful regional conference a comprehensive parliamentary action plan to combat the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters, in accordance with United Nations resolutions in this area. the mercy and blessings of God be upon you. "

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