Western experts reveal the importance of Russia's role in solving the outstanding problems in the Middle East


During the visit, experts from the Gulf countries stressed the importance of coordination with the Russian side for the current period, on the Syrian issue and on a number of other issues.

The Director General of Russia, Oborunnexport, Alexander Mekhiev (left) inspects Kalashnikov-200, manufactured by Kalashnikov, at IDEX 2019

© Sputnik. Aleksander Melnikov

"Russia's role in the Arab region is essential in any solution proposed in the context of the outstanding crises," said Jassim Abdullah, a member of the UAE parliament.

He added in special statements to "Sputnik": "The recent Arab convergence on the settlement of the crisis in Syria, including the opening of the United Arab Emirates Embassy in Damascus, underlines the need for Coordination with the Russian side ".

He added: "The world is represented by three axes: Russia, China and the United States.The three countries are strongly competing in all political, military and economic fields, which requires compatibility with certain axes. exchange of international interests, where the interests of the Arab countries require coordination with all parties to resolve the outstanding crises. "Stressing that the Syrian file will be present at the table of discussions, especially as it s is one of the most important issues on the Arab scene and that Russia is a real party on the Syrian scene.

Russia and the Gulf

Dr. Zafer al-Ajmi, head of the Gulf Watch Group in Kuwait, said Russian-Gulf relations are due to the arrival of Russian pilgrims, to the emergence of Russian leatherworkers coming from all over the country. Iran and the visit of Russian Varyag, Gulf ports in 1901,.

"The Gulf considers Russia as a reliable partner, because of its positive stance on the Arab-Israeli conflict, because the Gulf is one of the strongholds of Arabism," he said. told Sputnik. Arabic ".

Kalashnikov's presentation at the 2017 Army Forum

© Sputnik. Mikhail Voskresenskiy

He stressed that the strategic partnership with Russia was a step forward in supporting relations, including in the field of arms, where some of the Gulf countries had to acquire Russian weapons, especially in the field air defense, the development of the "fifth generation" Russian fighter and the development of air defense systems.

He pointed out that one of the aspects of the Russia-Gulf consensus is the similarity of views regarding political Islam, militant groups and terrorists.

He stressed that Russia could move several axes in the Syrian file, including the situation in the Syrian Idlib, the formation of the Syrian Constitutional Committee and the return of Syria to the League of Arab States, stressing that the wish of the Gulf can cooperate with Moscow, Become a way out of Western hegemony. "

He stressed that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working to promote a unified program in the Gulf region, focusing on the establishment of a collective security system among all the countries of the region of the Gulf. Wish that the Gulf peoples form only one block, but that they only sign with them, as in the Istanbul initiative. "

He stressed that the opportunity was now offered to find a platform for dialogue on the most important issues and conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Libya and the fight against terrorism.

Visit Putin

For his part, Majid Turki, director of the Center for Arab and Russian Studies in Saudi Arabia, said that the current visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov would pave the way for a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Gulf region.

He said in a special statement to Sputnik that the Russian president should get up close to the Gulf and that the Russian Foreign Minister will prepare bilateral issues relating to the Gulf region with each country individually or collectively through the records. spouses of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud meets Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin in Moscow

© Sputnik. Sergey Guneev

He added that the Syrian file will be at the top of the list and will discuss the future of Syria in the shadow of the Arab incubator, the Iranian presence and the entrance of Syria. Israel on the front line.

He added that economic issues will be present, especially after the phase of distinction between Russia and the Gulf States.

He stressed that the Arab countries did not reject Syria's return to the Arab League, but wished to do so, but felt it necessary to limit the Iranian presence in Syria, one of the most important axes, which will be discussed with the Russian side, since Russia recognizes the importance of Syria's return to the region. Arabic, because of the implications for reconstruction and other files.

He added that the Syrian file was currently at the center of Russia 's attention and that the equation had become very complex after the entry of Turkey, Israel, Israel and the United States. 39, Iran and the United States in the line of fire. .

He added: "The number of transactions between Saudi Arabia will be significant in the coming period, especially with regard to the military industries, but the volume of trade will not become so given the limited trade between a few products.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will pay a visit to Riyadh and meet with Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz, the Foreign Ministry said.

Lavrov to meet with Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz, Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Assaf, and Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubair, announced the official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs .

Lavrov will visit the Gulf states, including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, from March 3 to 7, the ministry said.

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