What are the best ways to fight baldness?


The Russian newspaper APR Rey mentioned baldness, which is one of the most troubling problems, because hair loss is one of the most common problems facing the world, regardless of gender.

The site, in its report translated by "Arab"There are different causes of hair loss, such as lack of minerals, stress, frequent drug use, genetic factors, environmental pollution and unhealthy eating. In general, there are many ways to counter baldness that can be easily identified and applied.

The website has confirmed that among these methods, use a shampoo without hair, especially if you use it daily. In fact, it is essential to keep the scalp clean. Therefore, the hair should be washed daily to prevent them from falling. It should be noted that non-washing hair causes the possibility of dandruff from the scalp, resulting in hair loss. On the other hand, it is necessary to use a shampoo containing natural ingredients.

Taking vitamins, such as vitamin A, would help produce sebum. Vitamin E improves the blood circulation that activates the hair follicles. According to experts, it is necessary to increase the intake of vitamin B to maintain the natural hair color. It is also recommended to remove the sweat from the hair, as this will increase the probability of a significant fall. It should be noted that perspiration causes the formation of crust in the scalp, which leads to hair loss. To counter this, it is advisable to use a shampoo with aloe vera.

Proteins found in fish, lean meats, soy and other foods play an effective role in controlling hair loss. In general, if you consume less protein, your body will no longer be able to guarantee the hair follicles, which will make it fall.

People say that smoking is bad for many reasons. In addition to its significant impact on the lungs and overall health, smoking leads to baldness. While smoking, the person inhales carbon monoxide, thus preventing the blood from transferring the main nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles. Nicotine in cigarettes also shrinks the blood vessels, which slows the growth of new hair.

The website has emphasized the need to not comb the hair because they are wet, which increases the risk of hair loss, especially when the hair becomes brittle when they are wet. However, if this is difficult, use an appropriate toothbrush, as tight combing can damage the hair and greatly increase its loss. Therefore, it is best to use the fingers in the first step to soften the hair.

The site emphasized the need to reduce all possibilities of diabetes because it is a common and natural cause of hair loss. Therefore, it is necessary to control the weight and amount of sugar you eat. It should be noted that overconsumption of alcohol and coffee would make hair dry and fragile. In addition, eating excessive amounts of caffeine has a similar effect on the hair.

The website says that hair dye has many ramifications on the scalp. Therefore, the dye leads to hair loss if it is used excessively. In addition, the use of essential oils such as ginger, rosemary, ring and lavender to massage the scalp.

Research has shown that green tea plays an important role in reducing hair loss. Therefore, it is possible to put two green tea bags in a glass of water and put it on the hair after cooling them. To get a good result, you must leave green tea at least an hour before washing. It is recommended to use this method for a few weeks.

The site said you should not be nervous, tension being one of the main causes of hair loss. In addition, negative emotions affect metabolism and circulation, which can have a negative effect on hair follicles.

It is therefore necessary to avoid negative attitudes that contribute to hair loss. In addition, the practice of yoga and meditation can help to achieve the ideal balance of hormones. In addition, it is possible to consume drinks containing soothing herbs to cope with stress.

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