What are the causes of bloating? And the methods of treatment


Bloating poses no threat to human health, but it can be annoying, painful and embarrassing.

Bloating poses no threat to human health, but it can be annoying, painful and embarrassing.

There are many reasons for flatulence and gas, including fluid retention in the body, premenstrual period, irritable bowel syndrome, gastrointestinal infections, intestines and, of course, overeating, including some foods like cabbage and garlic. Bloating poses no threat to human health, but it can be painful, often embarrassing.

Means for overcoming abdominal distention:
Eat foods and drinks for bloating and gas such as:
Ginger: That contains digestive enzymes that help the body break down the protein, and also calms the intestines. A hot cup before or after meals prevents you from swelling completely.
Fennel: Fennel seeds are one of the most effective plants in the treatment of flatulence and gas, helping to expel the wind. Fennel seeds also help to excrete urine and get rid of retained water. Fennel acts on the expansion of the muscles of the digestive system and reduces bulges.
Mint: It has an anticonvulsant effect, helping to relieve gastrointestinal cramps in general and intestines in particular. Peppermint acts on the rapid transmission of food from the stomach to the intestines, thus facilitating digestion.
Foods that relieve flatulence
yoghurt: It is rich in probiotics and has an active bacteria that improves digestion and reduces infections.It is essential for general intestinal health, especially during bloating or gaseous infection. High in protein and low in carbohydrates. Eating yogurt with fresh fruit as a kind of healthy dessert can also lighten it.
bananas: Rich in potassium, useful for treating gases. Bananas preserve the body from excess salts, thus protecting the body from water retention. Eating bananas continuously reduces swelling and prevents it from occurring.
Lemon: Drinking a glass of lemon means increasing digestive enzymes in your stomach, aiding digestion and preventing bloating. Lemon used by elders to treat colds and many other diseases, including indigestion and bloating.
Cantaloupe or cantaloupe: Contains 90% water, and this water has a delicious taste, helps to water the body and reduces the feeling of bloating. Natural laxative to overcome constipation. The cantaloupe saves the body from excess sodium, due to the consumption of large amounts of salt. Cantaloupe, for example, has a high potassium content, which helps rid the body of sodium and water stored under the skin, causing swelling of the feet and hands.
Option: The option also contains a large amount of water, which also helps to rid the body of water and stored gas. The option also contains sulfur and silicon, which act as diuretics, thus detoxifying the body and facilitating the cleansing of the urinary system.
Papaya: Papaya like lemon contains enzymes that help crack the food we eat. These enzymes prevent infections that can cause swelling. Papaya also contains a good proportion of fiber, which prevents constipation. Rich in anti-inflammatories and vitamin A. Eat fresh papaya or as a dietary supplement that helps relieve swelling.

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