Most weight loss programs involve reducing caloric intake according to certain calculations, as well as doing exercise or walking. In any case, the surprising new system is designed to lose weight, improve health and enjoy energy and activities by eating honey and sleeping, Al-Arabiya.net cited Health and Nutrition and the benefits of honey.
A diet of honey and sleep may be the right choice for those who answer "Yes" to a question of whether they have a regular night, night sweats, acid reflux or going to the bathroom, as well as for those who suffer nausea, weakness or Wake up tired or dry throat.
All of these signs show that the body, instead of burning fat and repairing muscles, produces a set of unwanted stress hormones during sleep.
Brain nutrition
The hungry brain relies on a limited amount of glycogen, which is produced by the liver. The liver contains a small storage capacity of only 75 grams of glucose and should release 10 grams / hour, of which 6.5 grams in the brain (the most energy-consuming limb) and 3.5 grams in the kidneys and red blood cells.
Although common tips for getting enough sleep to avoid problems such as weight gain, memory loss, physical weakness, etc., the ideal hours are 7.5 hours with honey refilling once before going to bed. .
This is largely due to the widely publicized media reports that warn against prolonged sleep as they cause the same serious health damage as they have enough sleep.
If the liver has run out of fuel, that is, its food before bed, the brain releases stress hormones from the adrenal glands, weakens muscles and bones, and does not burn fat during the sleep.
In addition, the increased production of long-term stress hormones can lead to many diseases such as obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, impaired immune system, hypertension arterial, depression and other painful health problems.
Research has shown that honey is the most perfect food, which can provide the mechanism needed to fuel the liver with fuel because of its 1: 1 composition of fructose and glucose. Fructose in honey is transferred to the liver, converted to glucose and stored as hepatic glycogen. Fructose also stimulates glucose enzymes in the liver so that they absorb glucose, thus lowering the glycemic index of glucose.
Burn honey during sleep
Many people can not improve the metabolism of body fat (20%: 80%) during the night when they go to sleep with an exhausted liver. Tension hormones that inhibit glucose metabolism, which in turn prevents the metabolism of fats, are activated.
The amazing news is that one can easily avoid stress by taking honey before bed, as it quickly provides the necessary fuel to the liver during the night. Honey cleverly recreates the liver stock selectively without the burden of digestion and provides a stable supply of glycogen in the liver, which is required by the brain for 8 hours of fast nighttime sleep immortality .
2 equivalent of exercise hanging in the gym
A physically stable person needs 2,400 calories a day, an average metabolic rate of about 100 calories / hour, and a nighttime intake of 8 hours of sleep is 800 calories. If the metabolic rate is 20% glucose and 80% fat, then you can total up to 160 calories of glucose (in the brain and red blood cells, mainly in the brain) and 640 calories of fat (fat body).
Experiments have shown that if a person exercises in a gym and consumes 1,000 calories, the ratio is 20% fat and 80% glucose, 200 calories fat and 800 calories. of glucose. During exercise, muscle fats (triglycerides) and body fat (fat) are burned in the same amount. Thus, the fat consumed in the body during exercise represents only 100 calories, or about 11 grams.
And with 1-2 tablespoons of honey taken before bedtime, called the honey diet and sleep, can improve fat metabolism by 20%: 80% throughout the night with less than 8 hours of sleep.
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