What does Erdogan want from Egypt?


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan leaves no opportunity, but attacks the Egyptian state motivated by his fanaticism and his support for the Muslim Brotherhood without worrying about Egyptian internal affairs. The problem of "fraternity" and conflict with governments and the successive Egyptian regimes preceded the birth of Erdogan. With distinction, no one should dare to intervene.

However, the "Ottoman Sultan" does not miss an opportunity without transmitting to Egypt a statement or an index of its adoption of the thought of the Brotherhood. The latest statements were made recently at the first Arab-European summit in Egypt, specifically in Sharm el-Sheikh, so that the Turkish President denounces and confirms that it was taking place in a country with a regime anticipating that his opponents would disrupt the summit and create a tumult that would shed light on what could offer a historic summit. First of its kind.

Egypt will not fall to the point of reacting to such hollow declarations; it is expensive and will remain, and Erdogan will not grow by attacking it, but its role in preserving the rest of our Arabism threatened by Iran, Turkey and other countries will increase.

Whoever governs in Egypt and who determines the nature of his regime is the only Egyptian people allowed to do so. The question of Egyptian security and opposition to the government or its loyalty is also an internal affair. Egypt, as in any other country in the world. These principles are the alphabet of politics, but all these voices and noises are supposed to affect the Arab project in general, in the light of developments that have led many Arab countries to leave the Arab path by striking their security and their stability to become the ruins of countries struggling to survive such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya. Then the implementation of its actors without the presence of any Arab entity is able to address them. To this end, Egypt must be eliminated and challenged by its security and be on the list of conflicts in order to disperse one of the most important Arab countries.

Egypt has been and remains the security valve of the Arab entity, and we say that it is an entity, because the question is today a question of existence that concerns all Arabs. Terrorism is a duplicate and another, but they have not achieved their goal, there remains only the last card: to create confusion and to incite the Egyptian interior to revive the sedition and to destroy Egypt in the hands of its son. All of this is that Egypt is not easy to reach, but it is a country with a long history and a long history of conflict with the outside world, which has long been crushed by projects in addition to the possession of a military institution and the security expert who did not know the weakness of a day in a clash.

The Jordanian project is to undermine the Arab regimes and support the thinking of the Muslim Brotherhood to bring back this ideology to power, to be subordinated to the Sultan and his illusions, which for nearly ten years has not been able to gain the trust of those around him in Arab countries; he remained isolated – if we exclude Qatar – from the Arab side, Erdogan's ambitions to ride the wave of unrest to pass his control agendas of the Arab countries, but after that Erdogan was convinced of the failure of his project and that no project can succeed in becoming an Arab without going through Egypt and the story of this witness.

When Egypt adopted the national trend in the early twentieth century until the project became Arab, Arab countries in general tended to get rid of all forms of occupation and colonialism, and when Egypt adopted socialist thought before the middle of the twentieth century, turned most Arab countries into socialist thought in establishing the system of government. Today, after the failure of Erdogan – although his attempts still exist – in Syria, Libya and Tunisia to bring the Brothers' project to a successful conclusion, I realize that this thought will not be realized. not prolonged and that life if the Egyptian state will not collapse to escalate this hierarchy of power and then spread like wildfire in a wildfire All Arab countries, a conference under the orders of his guide to Istanbul, and to be the sultanate of Jordan and a tide of fraternity similar to that of Iran, which swept through several Arab countries, but it is difficult to reach; so we find that this project is a warrior of all Arabs except Qatar, who is swimming in the fraternity and in the orbit of Erdord.

Erdogan is a sinner, but he is not a fool, he knows all the science and knows very well that Egypt is the door of the Arabs and that it is the bastion of Arabism and the dam that is capable of to face his project. He attacks it day and night, secretly and openly, against sedition and the fall of Egypt. To announce the submission to the new sultan.

That's what Erdogan really wants from Egypt, but what the unstable man does not know is that the Arab people, even if they opposed their governments, will not accept this project at all. all cost. In the Egyptian experience, we have the best evidence. Although the Brotherhood in Egypt since the 1980s At the beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century, they enjoyed a political license and parliamentary representation, which could only access power when going back the turmoil experienced by Egypt during the revolution of January 2011. For a brief period in Tunisia, the Muslim Brotherhood took power after the Tunisian revolution of the same year. Renaissance It could not happen to anything but that, thanks to its unsatisfactory actions for Tunisians to expose the project of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is now threatened to fall in Tunisia and at any time.

It is worth mentioning that the Egyptian part is balanced and that Erdogan does not pay attention to his statements – Egyptians – owners of the house and the owners of the case and the people of Mecca know about the reefs and know what is inside the Egyptian and very sure that this project makes no sense and that the Egyptian people will not come down. Egypt is expensive and will remain and Erdogan will not grow to attack it, but its role in preserving the rest of our Arabism, which is threatened by Iran, Turkey and other countries and not by the end of Israel will be increased.

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