What does Mike Tyson do in Egypt?

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Saad commented on the picture in these terms: "The first was correct and fantastic in photography Mike TysonAnd why Jay …..? "

The Egyptian actor also posted on his official account to Facebook Posted in which he said: "The Pharaoh's campaign came into a strong grandfather .. Mike Tyson was wonderful and Jay Jay God willing, a static surprise, your calls".

The film revolves around a character "Pharaoh" which is embodied by Saad, who marries Syria and has a son.

He discovers "Pharaoh" That his wife had fled Syria With his son had been kidnapped before "Frank" who plays Tyson, to decide first to lead a process rich in exciting events to free his son.

He plays alongside Tyson and Saad, Ruby Hamdi al-Mirghani, Mohammed Lutfi, Ramiz Amir and a number of stars.

Tyson arrived Saturday in Egypt with his wife, where he visited several monuments of the country and took pictures.


Saad commented on the photo saying, "The first was good and wonderful in the shooting of Mike Tyson, and Lee Jay …..?"

The Egyptian representative on his official Facebook account has also published a booklet saying: "Pharaoh's campaign is a powerful grandfather, it's wonderful, Mike Tyson and Lee Jay, God willing, a terrible surprise, your calls. "

The film revolves around the character of "Pharaoh" embodied by Saad, who marries Syria and has a son.

Pharaoh discovers that his wife, who fled to Syria with his son, was kidnapped by Frank, who plays Tyson, so that the first decides to carry out a process of dramatic events to free his son.

He plays alongside Tyson, Saad, Ruby, Hamdi Al Mirghani, Mohammed Lotfi, Rams Amir and many stars.

Tyson arrived Saturday in Egypt with his wife, where he visited several monuments of the country and took pictures.

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