What happens to your body if you eat boiled onions?


Boiled onions

Boiled onions

Onion is an ordinary onion that was harvested when it was small. This onion contains the same properties as finished onions.

Health benefits of boiled onions:


The onion provides the alkine, an organic sulfur compound responsible for the smell and taste of onions. If the onions are sliced, the enzymes produce sulfinic acid, which releases alicine, providing protection against clotting, allergies, inflammation and bacteria.

Alesin is beneficial to the heart and can help prevent cancer, reduce the symptoms of diabetes and prevent plaque formation.


Anthocyanins and tannins are at the origin of onions, one of the best natural sources of quercetin, an antioxidant flavonoid with antibacterial, fungal and inflammatory properties.

Quercetin, which is a daily supplement of بص, can help reduce the risk of cancer of the stomach by 50% by helping corsetine to inhibit "bad cholesterol", which can mean protection against cancer , atherosclerosis and heart disease.

In addition, the content of quercetin in the onion helps boost the metabolism of vitamin E and disrupt chlorine ions that damage the body, according to the National Onion Association.


Adding cooked onions to your diet allows you to obtain the health benefits associated with its copper content.

Copper nourishes the brain by helping to make chemicals associated with brain connections and by supporting the synthesis of myelin, an essential substance for brain function. Having enough copper in your diet also supports your immune system, thus protecting you from infection.

A single cup of cooked onions helps increase your copper intake by at least 141 micrograms, or 16% of the daily amount recommended by the Institute of Medicine.


Onion is a rich source of dietary fiber, a type of carbohydrate that fights disease. Fiber helps lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In addition, fiber helps move stool through the digestive system, thus avoiding constipation and helping to maintain regularity.

A boiled onion cup contains 2.9 grams of dietary fiber. This represents 12% of the recommended daily intake for women, while 8% for men, as defined by the Institute of Medicine.

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