What is the reality of NASA monitoring a human figure on Mars? (Video)


NASA has announced the detection of a robot, a human statue on a slope above the surface of Mars.

According to a video published in the newspaper "Daily Star", the statue has a British arm, a large chest and remains of old legs.

In this regard, the comments on YouTube differ from the reality of this statue and the speculation has grown: are there any ancient traces on the surface of the planet, which means the establishment of a human civilization there are millions of years or scattered stones resembling a statue?

"The shape of the head indicates a person, which means life on Mars before the Earth, while another said that the statue is an unidentified body, but if so, how much it will take time to break down. "

The discovery of a lake on the surface of the red planet, while scientific evidence to cover the entire planet of water, confirms the possibility of life on Mars and creates a fertile environment to allow scientists to follow the question and decipher the mystery of this mysterious mystery.

According to scientists, Mars is very well melted and very dry, but the information provided by the ESA Mission for the planet indicate that it changed from time to time, scientists say, when they found a combined zone groundwater on the surface of the planet.

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