What is the weight related to heart disease and cancer?


Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. There is a close relationship between obesity and weight gain and the risk of heart disease.

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A new study by the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio has revealed new findings regarding how people understand weight gain, its relationship with heart disease, According to "Madam".

The study found that while most people (88% of respondents) know that there is a close relationship between a healthy heart and a healthy weight, most do not do what is necessary or do not work, To put an end to the factors that lead to increased weight.

The study showed that 74% of participants worried about their weight, and 65% already worried about the incidence of heart disease because of their excess weight, while 4 3% of them were trying to change their diet for health reasons. Decrease their weight. In contrast, 40% of those who described themselves as overweight or obese said they did not pay attention to the foods they ate.

Part of the problem is that many people do not know the foods and the right foods that guarantee the health of the heart. One in five (18%) said they felt their diet was not related to heart health, while only 14% understood that a Mediterranean diet – focused on fresh fruits and vegetables and protein Empty fat – is the most beneficial for heart health. In addition, about half of the respondents (46%) thought that artificial sweetener addiction was a healthy way to lose weight, despite studies that had no beneficial effect on weight loss.

Obesity causes heart disease and strokes

The study also revealed that there was a lack of awareness among many about the effects of being overweight and its impact on the heart and public health. The vast majority of respondents (87%) and 80% (respectively) did not understand the relationship between obesity and serious illnesses such as cancer and atrial fibrillation, which constitutes an arrhythmia, both heart cavities flying fast. The study found that more than half of those surveyed knew that obesity was associated with high levels of bad cholesterol (54%) or coronary artery disease (57%), while two-thirds of participants (64%) do not know that obesity can lead to a stroke.

"Most Americans generally understand that being overweight or obese is harmful to your health, but it seems like a lot of them do not realize it," he said. said Dr. Steven Nissen, responsible for cardiovascular disease at the Cleveland Clinic. "The leading causes of death and paralysis, such as stroke, cancer, and coronary heart disease, are all negatively affected by weight gain."

The need for education and awareness

Dr. Nissen emphasized the need to take further steps to inform patients and the public about the main consequences and negative effects that might result from weight gain, as well as to clarify the benefits of individuals wishing to lose weight and to maintain, The patient to lose (only 5%) of its weight, to begin to note many benefits and changes in health.

The survey showed that 84% had already tried at least one way to lose weight. About one-third (30%) said that they generally adhere to this method for a week or a month. Lack of exercise (24%) and lack of time (22%) are considered key factors in maintaining a healthy weight. On the other hand, most people think that the metabolism in their body has a detrimental effect on weight loss, with 60% of women and 46% of men believing that this process is not in their best interest .

Dr. Nissen explained that people may be right in saying that their metabolism thwarts their efforts to lose weight. "Once you have gained weight, your body is trying to keep that excess fat, which makes it more difficult to lose weight, so it's best to consult your doctor to develop an organized weight loss strategy because Fast weight loss programs are not effective enough. "

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