What will human settlements look like on Mars?


NASA contest finalists have revealed three-dimensional holograms that they believe could be used to colonize the red planet in the coming decades. These models are not limited to form, but must also have thickness, adequate heat and pressure.

<img alt = "Homesteads on Mars" src = "https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/30/67383- مسكان-البشر-على المريخ. Jpg" style = "height: 335px
Homesteads on Mars

Of the 18 elected teams from around the world who participated in the competition, five have reached the next stage of the competition, (19659005) NASA is offering a $ 2 million prize (1 , £ 5 million) to the winner of the competition, with the completion of the final models by the spring of 2019.

<img alt = "A house for humans" src = "https: //img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/30/52335- منزل-للبشر. jpg "style =" height: 337px; width: 550px; (19659004)

NASA has teamed up with Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, to select the top five teams to advance to the next phase of the 3D Challenge Challenge. following, they received a prize of $ 100,000.

<img alt = "Model of one of the colonies" src = "https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/ 30 / 56096- Model-one-of-the-colonies. jpg "style =" height: 388px;
Model of one of the colonies

The award was awarded to the five teams on the basis of results identified by a team of experts from NASA, academia and the US. Industry, Arbitrators have evaluated the digital representation of future homes of Mars built using specialized software tools.

In total, 18 teams from around the world participated in the contest and evaluated the completeness and planning of homes as well as the printable design facility on the surface of the planet. Red.

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