"WhatsApp" approach of an update expected by millions of users


WhatsApp, the most popular instant messaging application, offers its own desktop version, a feature expected by millions of users around the world.

The web version of WhatsApp works without it being necessary to use a phone number, according to a tweet launched by the technology website "Wapita Info".

According to the site, the company "Facebook", which owns the "WhatsApp" application, is developing a cross-platform application, which can be used via the Internet browser when you turn off the phone running Android or "iOS".

People can use the new app to stay in touch with people on the contact list. The launch of the application dedicated to computers is not known. However, the growing number of subscribers exceeds the 1.5 billion users worldwide.

It is worth mentioning that the "WhatsApp" application launched in 2015 dedicated version to the desktop, still depends on the link between the computer and the phone through code.

This article "WhatsApp" addresses the launch of an update expected by millions of users "Adapted from the site (Dunya al-Watan), and does not reflect in any way the policy of the site or the point of view, but the responsibility for the news or authenticity lies in the source of the original news, which is Dunya al-Watan.

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