When gases are attracted to each other inside stars, they are


Answers to Unit Exam Questions

the first question:

Clarify what all of the following mean:

Brightness of stars: The amount of energy that a star actually emits per second. The brightness of a star depends on two factors: the temperature and the size of the star’s surface, and the brightness is proportional to both.

Neutron stars: One of the stages of death of the star, which is smaller than the white dwarf, with a diameter of about 25 km, and its density a million times greater than that of the white dwarf.

Several stars: The number of stars varies between three and seven stars, and some have a relatively large number, so the number of stars varies between a hundred stars and hundreds of thousands of stars that are related to each other. by attractive forces, then revolve around each. other too; Which makes it move as a unit in one direction.

the second question:

Arrange the following stars in descending order according to their surface temperature: orange stars, yellow stars, blue stars.

Blue, yellow, orange stars.

The third question:

I predict What will happen to the brightness of the sun if its size increases several times what it used to be, and I relate that to the possibility of life on Earth.

The brightness of the sun will increase significantly, and life will become impossible on the earth’s surface at high temperatures.

The fourth question:

Study the following figure that represents a group of constellations, and then answer the following questions:

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