When treason becomes a point of view


When treason becomes a point of view
When treason becomes a point of view
No Arab ever imagined that Naji al-Ali's prophecy would become a "betrayal from a point of view". Perhaps the question today, if Naji lived, what would be his caricature on this surrealist scene, in which the representative of Saudi Arabia met in Amman with representatives of the Arab parliaments, does not matter? which representative of the country would embrace Islam and Muslims and would oppose the criminalization of normalization with the state of Israeli occupation? He called on his colleagues to represent the Arab parliaments in not including this item in the statement of their conference. Was it a dream or a science?

Three important points need to be addressed in this incident. The first concerns the implications of this dangerous change in Riyadh's traditional stance towards the Palestinian cause, which has shifted from support to Palestine and its popular and official cause, considering the Al-Aqsa Mosque as one of the pillars from religion before politics, to the godfather of normalization with the occupier. The distortion of the image of the Palestinian resistance and the Palestinians through unscrupulous media and a pre-professional culture unfortunately brings a blessing to the New Testament in Saudi Arabia. The strong position of the Presidents of the Jordanian Parliament and the Kuwaiti Nation, Atef Al-Tarawneh and Marzouq Al-Ghanim, of the Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Kuwait, despite all the pressure, has been unshakeable and must be considered to have become the expression of the Arab popular consciousness. , Which is led by entertainment, entertainment, which has become a New Testament political agenda, which is shrinking in the face of other priorities in Saudi Arabia. Thirdly, the question of Palestine is the cornerstone of Arab popular consciousness and the regimes' attempts to destroy Arab memory will fail. This is a recognition of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said that Arab leaders were not an obstacle to expanding Israel's relations with its Arab neighbors, but that they still feared the people and the people. Arab public opinion. In his previous speech to the Knesset, Netanyahu said that "the biggest obstacle to the expansion of peace is not the leaders of the countries around us, but the public opinion that reigns in the Arab street. ".

The official process of formal rapprochement with Israel is a phenomenon that has nothing to do with it. Rather, it reflects a youth policy that reflects the weakness of the political experience of the region's new leaders and the desolation of their culture, as a quick read of history will reveal to them that all who bet on Israel and its satisfaction are left without Tel Aviv. Protect it. It is surprising that Arab leaders continue to believe that the legitimacy of the government comes from abroad, as well as from Israel.
Finally, the Arab people must repeat what the Speaker of Parliament, Marzouq Al-Ghanim, said: "It is enough to talk about normalization and commercialization of this subject, it must be classified as a political and morally forbidden haraam." And to speak with one voice: no normalization with an occupant, with the murderers of children and the usurper of the earth, neither for the normalization, nor for the normalization, because it s is a blatant address of surrender and submission.

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Source: The new Arabic

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