Where does the fat go in your body after losing weight?


The individual persists in a healthy diet and does regular exercise to lose weight. But have you ever thought about where to go to eliminate the fat lost by your body?

"Our bodies are designed to store excess energy in adipose tissue throughout the body in the form of triglycerides," said Dr. Bartolome Borgera, an endocrinologist, in an interview with Clevel and Clinic. "Small amounts are stored from liver and muscle energy such as glucokine."

How does your body use energy?Mr. Borghira mentioned three places where energy is used, including:

When you restYour heart needs energy to pump it into your lungs to breathe and allow your brain to think.

– need Your muscles For the energy you ride the stairs or run down the street.

– when Eat Your digestive system needs energy to store food.

What happens to your body fat when you are dieting?"When you're on a diet, the calories you eat are lower than your body's needs, making it difficult to convert those fats into energy," said Dr. Burgera.

He explained that the individual gets rid of fat metabolism derivatives in the form of:

L & # 39; water: When his skin transpires

Carbon dioxide: When he breathes through the lungs

The excess fat in the tissues is converted into energy to maintain a normal body temperature.

What happens to body fat when you are exercising?"After about 30 to 60 minutes of exercise, the body begins to burn fat mainly," explained the endocrinologist. Therefore, experts recommend at least 30 minutes, two to three times a week, exercise for people with heart disease. As well as strength training and resistance to increase muscle mass that help burn more calories and increase the basal metabolic rate.

"Exercise is the first key to losing weight and maintaining it," said Dr. Burgera.

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