WHO meeting after "genomic shock"

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In a statement released Thursday, the UN body announced that it had chosen a panel of experts to examine the scientific, ethical, social and legal challenges related to theModified genes.

Last November, researcher Jianqiu claimed to have changed DNA For the twins to immunize them against HIV Acquired, in a gesture criticized by many scientists and qualified as irresponsible.

Chinese investigators said they were acting alone and that they would be punished for any violation of the law. It was said that another unborn embryo was the result of an experiment.


In a statement released Thursday, the UN body announced it has chosen a panel of experts to examine the scientific, ethical, social and legal challenges related to gene modification.

Last November, researcher Hian Jianqui claimed to have changed the binoculars' DNA to immunize them against HIV, an approach that many scientists have described as irresponsible.

Chinese investigators said they were acting alone and that they would be punished for any violation of the law. It was said that another unborn embryo was the result of an experiment.

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