The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of a resurgence of measles, or Bouhamroun, noting an increase in the number of cases even in Morocco.
The Moroccan newspaper "Hespress" pointed out that "there were 483 cases reported in 2018 compared to previous years, where 17 cases were recorded in 2015."
"Measles or Bouhamroun is an acute infectious viral disease that affects children as early as five months of age and also affects adults," said Dr. Sanaa El Hennawi to the newspaper. "Ninety percent of the cases show symptoms, ie high temperatures." Ophthalmology and then a rash spreading throughout the body in addition to the case of fatigue, highlighting the need to "signal the moment of injury" and warning that "measles is a disease that needs to be reported and that the child must be isolated and not sent to school so as not to infect his friends, noting that the best way to prevent the disease is the vaccine ".
"Measles is spreading rapidly around the world, according to the latest preliminary reports, where millions of people around the world are at risk," said WHO.
This article "The WHO warns against the return of the spread of measles or" Bou Hamroun "in Morocco" Adapted from the letter of information (Lebanon), and in no way reflects the policy of site or point of view, but the responsibility of the news or health on the source of the news of origin C & # 39; is the bulletin (Lebanon).
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