Cristiano Ronaldo, who cried for the television interview of his father with Pierce Morgan for his show "Good Morning Britain", filmed Sunday night. ITV ".
Aldon said he was happy with his accomplishments but regretted that his father, Jose Dennis Aveiro, did not live together, any more than his family, his mother and his children.
Ronaldo cried after a short video showing a series of photos of his father, who died more than 10 years ago. "I'm sorry, I've never seen this video before. It was amazing."
"I thought this interview would be funny, but I've never seen these pictures before," said Cristiano wiping his tears. "I had to have a copy to show it to my kids and my family, I did not talk to my dad a lot, and for the wine he died and I was 20 years old.
Don's father died in 2005 while he was an alcoholic and died of liver failure at the age of 52.
Watch .. Why burst # Ronaldo Cry because of his father? Https://t.co/JfXbdqfLAd#Always_Reader statement pic.twitter.com/9UrAlMdQkn
– Mathematical declaration (@matrix) September 16, 2019
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