Why do not you search for the number 241543903 in Google



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It has become apparent that thousands of people can change the search algorithm of giant search engines such as Google when they encounter a common opinion.

Of course, all ideas on the web are not supported by users and they alter the search algorithms, but they sometimes become a virus that spreads at the speed of lightning, so that the search companies can not ignore them.

Here, when you go to the Google search page, in the "Photos" section, and search for "241543903", you will find something odd.

If you are not familiar with this campaign, you will probably be surprised by the search results! Where people will show you their head in the fridge.

To participate in the campaign, all you have to do is film yourself in the fridge, post the image online and add the tag "241543903".

The question that arises and for which there is no clear answer, why do these people do it and what is their purpose? Is it just for fun?

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