Why do pregnant women need to sleep?


You will need 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day during pregnancy.

You will need 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day during pregnancy.

The pregnant woman feels During the first trimester of pregnancy Drowsiness and need to sleep more, because of the feeling of fatigue caused by the change of hormones, and the increase in blood supply to the uterus. Although health recommendations recommend 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day, a pregnant woman will have to sleep between 8 and 10 hours during the months of her pregnancy.

Lack of sleep at 6 hours or less increases the risk of gestational diabetes in the second trimester of the 9-month trip

During the last third of your pregnancy, you will have trouble sleeping because of an increase in the size of your abdomen, difficulty finding the right posture and increased back and leg pain.

Sleep and sweet pregnancy. Hyperglycemia during pregnancy is called "gestational diabetes" and usually affects pregnant women during the second half of pregnancy. Recent studies have shown that lack of sleep is a factor behind this problem and that, if the pregnant woman sleeps less than 6 hours a day, the risk of the problem increases considerably.

The main causes of gestational diabetes, the presence of type 2 diabetes, obesity, increasing the size of a child about 4 kg at birth, family history of Diabetes and the death of the former children of the mother at birth without obvious cause.

As the number of urination increases during pregnancy, the sleep of the pregnant woman is affected and the quality or depth of sleep is reduced, which requires more than a nap during the day to make up for lack of sleep the night.

Lack of sleep during pregnancy has several side effects, including increased headaches, tension, and fatigue. While getting the required number of hours of sleep, one gets the energy necessary for the development of the fetus.

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