Why does Asala ask for Egyptian nationality and privileges?


Why does Asala ask for Egyptian nationality and privileges?


The Syrian artist Asala Nasri has asked questions to the followers of the current affairs of the art about her application for obtaining Egyptian citizenship. What is his goal?

After a ceremony in Cairo, Asala said: "Egyptian nationality has forced me to give it and save my life."

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The Egyptian newspaper "Al Watan" confirmed that the acquisition of Egyptian nationality by Asala will allow him to enjoy all the privileges granted to the ordinary Egyptian citizen and to enter Egypt without any comments or requests for residency.

According to a statement from a board member of the union of Egyptian musicians Reza Rajab, the Syrian artist or other artists are getting Egyptian nationality based on the characteristics of the artist. Egyptian artist union member.

Law professor Salahuddin Fawzi explained that any Arab artist who has obtained Egyptian nationality is treated as a citizen enjoying all legal rights and that he therefore does not need an entry visa nor an entry visa. of residence permit, knowing that it must fulfill the conditions provided for by the law on nationality.

Fawzi added that Asala's citizenship was not limited to a candidacy with the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior: if she fulfilled all the conditions, she would obtain citizenship but could exercise her political rights only five years. after the pronouncement of the decision. 10 years after the publication of the decision.

The Syrian singer had commented on the state of controversy that had been raised about this statement, during a phone conversation with journalist Amr Adib, during a "history show" broadcast by the satellite "mbc Egypt", claiming that it was a great love for Egypt because she lived more than half of her life And called for Egyptian citizenship as a kind of courtesy to complete his true feeling of love towards Egypt.

Source: "Al Watan"

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