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Recent research has shown that although avocado fruits contain healthy fats such as omega-3s, which protect humans against heart disease, they can be very harmful to some people.

Avocado is one of the types of tropical fruits produced by evergreen trees, which are very tasty and smell good. They carry many different names depending on the areas where the avocado is grown and are part of the list of underground plants, which America houses, one of the best fruits that has many features that make it a treatment effective for many diseases and health problems and other aesthetic problems. It is one of the best natural elements with effective abilities in the treatment of various digestive problems.

Avocados are a type of fruit rich in potassium and healthy fats. They are used to lower cholesterol levels, reduce hunger, increase sexual desire and stimulate menstrual flow. The avocado oil is set to soothe and heal the skin, which is very safe for most people when it is consumed in moderate amounts, and also when

Avocados are a type of fruit rich in potassium and healthy fats. They are used to lower cholesterol levels, reduce hunger, increase sexual desire and stimulate menstrual flow.

Avocado oil is used to soothe and heal the skin, which is very safe for most people when it is consumed in moderate amounts. It is also safe when applied to the skin for up to 3 months, but it rarely has side effects.

Avocados contain many calories because of their fat content, which can lead to weight gain if you take them in large quantities.

Some people may have an allergic reaction to avocados, especially if they are allergic to latex. Avocados also reduce the effectiveness of warfarin, which is used to slow blood clotting, so be sure to regularly check the flow blood if you are taking warfarin.

Angela Shaw, a physician and assistant professor of microbiology and food safety at Iowa State University, said that lawyers have many benefits, but that they also carry many risks and damages. Medicines for hypertension cure prostate cancer.

With regard to the damage of avocados, warns of excessive consumption of large quantities because it contains a high proportion of calories, which makes it gain weight, and also interferes with certain types of drugs and drugs, especially the antidepressants.

Damage caused by the avocado to pregnant women (Listeria bacteria)

Avocados are safe foods for pregnant women during pregnancy. If you are allergic to it, you should not eat it. Bananas and avocados are foods that people with allergies should avoid. Foods that help the fetus to grow healthy.

Listeria is a bacterium that lives almost everywhere in the water, soil and intestines of many mammals, including humans.

These bacteria are usually harmless, but for pregnant women or people with immune system diseases, there is a risk of inflammation, which can in turn lead to serious diseases such as sepsis and meningitis.

Symptoms of Listeria:(Fever, muscle pain, headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance and convulsions)Pregnant women who suffer a lot from this disease have symptoms similar to those of the flu and, in the worst case, can be transmitted to the fetus and can cause abortion or child abuse. Protect yourself from food-borne illnesses:

Wash your hands thoroughly before and after food preparation before and after meals.

Wash cooking utensils and food cutters with water and soap.

Use cooking utensils for one type of food each time, then wash them before using them for another type of food, to reduce the transmission of germs.

Cut your food well.

Avoid eating salad, raw vegetables, milk and unpasteurized cheese.

Eat fruits after having thoroughly washed them in clear water and after peeling them by hand.

Eat cooked when it's very hot.

Beware of eating street vendors.

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