With back to school … Google's smart assistant will help you do your homework


We all know that the #Google wizard, built into all Android phones and smart home aids, is often very useful. It can set timers in the kitchen, listen to your favorite music, read headlines and also adjust the light and temperature of your home.

Now, at the beginning of the school year, Google claims that its intelligent assistant can help everyone at home to return to school routine.

From checking mathematical equations to translating difficult sentences, the Google assistant has become an essential tool for homework ease, according to Google.

However, even if an assistant can prove to be an excellent learning tool, it allows children to cheat. So make sure that they are always under your watch when you use Google Assistant.

According to Mirror, here's how Google Assistant helps with homework:

Reminder rights

If your child has trouble remembering homework and when, you can set up reminders with the help of the Google Assistant. Just say "OK Google, set a reminder" and answer the questions of the wizard to save the reminder.

Hey, at the beginning of the lesson, ask Google, what are my reminders? To know exactly what you need to study.

Set the time

Studies suggest that frequent breaks during homework can lead to better concentration and increased productivity. With Google Assistant, you can schedule review breaks to make study time more efficient.

"Ok Google, set my review timer" or "Ok, Google set my review timer", the wizard will create a schedule called "My review" and ask you how long you want the timer to continue. Once the break is over, the Google Assistant will invite you to review the lessons.


Studying foreign languages ​​can be a difficult process, especially if you do not know the language your child is studying. The Google Assistant can help you answer questions you do not know in another language, such as:

"Hey Google What is the German word for bathroom?"

Ok Google "What does it mean"? Is not it "means?

Hey Google "What does milk mean in Spanish?"

Use it as a calculator

Have you already checked your child's homework in math and are not sure if the answer is correct? Google's smart assistant can help you solve mathematical equations.

For example, you can ask him: "OK Google, how many times 49 out of 4?", Google Assistant will answer you.

A Google Assistant can also teach you and your child how to solve more complex math problems by guiding you through the tutorials.

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This article "At the beginning of the school year … the smart Google assistant will help you in your school work." On the original source of information that is the day.

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