Worm-like robot ramps into the brain to treat stroke patients


Scientists have developed a small robot similar to a round worm to treat stroke patients by eliminating the blockage of blood vessels and delivering drugs directly to the brain.

The robot of a width of 0.5 mm is routed through the body using computer-controlled magnetic fields from outside the room.

Worm-like robot ramps into the brain to treat stroke patients


Worm-like robot ramps into the brain to treat stroke patients


Although it has not been tested on a human patient, engineers have been able to demonstrate its ability to perform its functions on a path comprising a mini-obstacle in a full-size brain model.

Scientists hope that it will one day be used to treat people with potentially life-threatening bleeds or brain blockages, speeding up treatment to preserve vital processes.

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston have come up with a robot a few inches long, consisting of a supple blend of nickel and titanium and coated with a hydrogel lubrication that l & rsquo; Helps to slip into narrow tubes without damaging the tissues.

Developers, including Professor Xuanhe Chao of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said the wires could be injected into patients and controlled by magnets or even by special internal motors.

The team designed the robot so that it administers the drugs directly to the brain to help it recover a few moments after a possible bleeding.

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This device can reduce the time it takes for doctors to remove a brain blockage caused by a stroke, which increases the chances of survival for patients with stroke.

"If an acute stroke can be treated in the first 90 minutes, the survival rate of patients could increase dramatically," said Dr. Zhao.

"If we can design a device to reverse the blockage of blood vessels during this hour of gold, we will probably avoid permanent brain damage – that's our hope."

Blood clots that prevent circulation in the brain cause about 85% of strokes. Blocking the blood supply in the brain results in oxygen deprivation, which can cause tissue parts death and nerve damage, causing serious damage to other parts of the body .

The worm-like thread can help surgeons remove these harmful obstacles and eliminate the need for manually operated wires in some cases.

Source: Daily Mail

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