Xbox games could reach non-Microsoft platforms in the future


Companies such as Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are currently using the home gaming market to create exclusive games for their devices. They try to differentiate themselves from each other and also attract players from competing platforms to their own platforms.

Unfortunately, this has resulted in market segmentation, but Microsoft hopes to fix it in the future. Matt Booty, president of Xbox Games Studios, told Microsoft that Microsoft might consider launching Xbox games on unaffiliated platforms, such as Sony and Nintendo.

According to Mr. Matt Booty, he said, "I think the question is whether you should be on a Nintendo Switch or a Playstation? Plus, does it make sense for the game? ". However, he explained that this did not mean that the exclusive games would disappear. He said: "We will obviously have some great exclusives like Forza, Halo and Sea Of Thieves, where these games were designed from the beginning to already be on Xbox, I think. This will continue.

Until now, Microsoft's games were exclusive to Xbox and PC platforms, but most of the time we had not seen the Xbox game, at least one game designed and developed by Microsoft, for then move to a non-Xbox platform. Of course, it remains to be seen when we should expect these changes, but there may be something to be hoped for in the future.

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