Xiaomi Announces Launch of Mi Charge Turbo for 5th Generation Phones


Xiaomi has announced the launch of the Mi Charge Turbo quick charging technology on its Weibo page, displaying a poster stating that the event will take place on September 9th.

We do not know yet whether this technology will be able to charge 100 or 40 watts / 55 watts as we have seen with Huawei, Samsung and Oppo fast charge technologies. It should be noted that today's Xiaomi flagship phones offer a fast 27-watt load and 18-watt wireless charging power, so a 40-watt wired load will really be a big step forward.

Fast charging techniques usually require heat and heat, with the potential to shorten the life of the battery. We therefore hope that Xiaomi will overcome these obstacles if it provides a speed exceeding 50 watts.

Interestingly, the label clearly mentions the 5G network, suggesting that this charging technology will likely be dedicated to 5G-enabled phones.



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