Yoga poses help relieve stress and reduce painful symptoms of gas!


Gastric distension is known as a condition that can appear out of nowhere and have the potential to negatively affect our lives. Fortunately, there are proven methods to relieve painful symptoms and get rid of bloating completely.

Stomach bloating occurs after eating a fairly delicious meal or overeating. Symptoms of bloating often go away over time and are not of concern. However, if the symptoms are unbearable or you are looking for a quick treatment to get rid of the puffiness, there are some methods that have been proven to work.

One study, published in Pain Research & Management, followed nearly 25 teens with digestive disorders and found that an hour-long educational yoga session followed by four weeks of home training reduced their symptoms and pain.

The researchers noted that the participants felt this benefit with just 10 minutes of yoga per day during the study.

The link between yoga and reducing bloating may lie in the former’s ability to deal with stress.

Stress can interfere with digestion with yoga, helping to create a state of calm and relaxation.

Position tilted forward

Sit on the floor with your legs apart in front of you. Keeping your back straight, slowly lean forward and lower your torso towards your knees as far as you can comfortably.

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Sudden stomach bloating can indicate a life-threatening condition!

Stay in this position for five to ten deep breaths.

Open heart position

Sit on the heels of your feet and lean back, placing your palms about eight inches behind you with the tips of your toes pointing toward you.

Press your hands on the floor, lift your chest, and arch your back. Hold five breaths before returning to the starting position.

Cat pose

Put your hands and knees on the floor and keep your back flat and your abdominal muscles tense. Bend your spine into a “cat pose”. Inhale, lift your head and arch your back.

Downward Facing Dog

Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

Keep your back straight and lean forward until your hands reach the floor. Rest your palm on the floor and hold for five to ten breaths.

Other ways to reduce bloating

The Taiwan University College of Medicine said that ginger also helps reduce signs of bloating.

And the NHS recommends relieving any stress in your life to help relieve abdominal issues. Anxiety can ‘upset the delicate balance of digestion’.

Plus, there are some simple guidelines for avoiding abdominal issues, such as:

Take the time to eat slowly.

Reduce portions at mealtimes.

• Never miss a meal.

Avoid eating a heavy meal three hours before bedtime.

• to drink a lot of water.

Source: Express

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