Hazuka is a temporary problem that can put people in sometimes awkward situations or not respond to the attempt to overcome them by drinking water. Hazuqa usually occurs after eating or drinking quickly, or taking medication, swallowing air while swallowing food, or caused by a body reaction to stress, anxiety, or crying. Here is a series of easy natural ways to overcome Hazoukah:

* Take a few tablespoons of yogurt (yogurt) to quickly adjust the acid levels in the stomach and to stop the lingering acidity.

* Honey is an effective way to reduce the staining mechanism and stop it.

* Chewing a slice of ginger or eating ginger tea helps to relieve stomach tension and improve digestion, and to prevent recurrence of the patient.

* You can also follow the diver's method by stopping Hazoukp, pressing the ears for 20 seconds with self-locking, the internal pressure is adjusted and ends the seizure of Hazoukah.