You and the extra weight – Saudi News


The expression "overweight" has a painful impact on the recipient, despite the multiplicity of indications and different purposes, travelers from Europe and America going to their country know what will cost them overweight, especially if their flights in Arabic are often tolerated in our national lines. In excess pounds, every extra kilo is in exchange for dollars, euros, or pounds sterling.

Those who drive heavy trucks in many countries around the world know that each car has its own cargo: it goes through the stations where the weight of the truck is weighed and if it increases, the driver pays voluntarily or involuntarily for the extra weight .

The weight of the body, which is a tangible phenomenon in our fellow citizens, but in our children, in a state of nutrition which was not recognized by the generation of parents and grandparents, and in the absence of regular exercise , so that one of us goes from his home to the mosque next to him, a few meters from his car, as if he was afraid of his walking shoes, regardless of his health.

The weight of some people, which equates to obesity in many, is a major cause of many diseases, such as hypertension, stroke, gallbladder disease, high rates of triglycerides, arthritis, gout, respiratory problems, delayed pregnancy, infertility, diabetes, cancer, especially those associated with the digestive system, breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, in addition to that this excess weight causes for the bones and hinders the person in his movements.

There are 3.4 million deaths annually worldwide due to obesity, 44% of diabetics and 23% of patients with kidney failure are overweight.

The number of obese people has doubled in the world since 1980. In 2008, there were more than 1.4 billion adults other than children and 35% of adults over the age of 20 were overweight. With regard to children, the 2012 statistics indicated that 40 million children under five were overweight. According to WHO statistics, 74% to 86% of women, 69% to 77% of men, Egypt, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait are overweight or are obese.

I have grim, terrible and scary figures on the proportions of diseases caused by being overweight and obese, and just getting us to reconsider our food systems and our drinks, and even in our customs and social traditions, so beware of being overweight, God forbid.

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