You will no longer be afraid to eat … The "Jenny" treatment announces the end of obesity! | The health


If you are able to eat what you want without fear of being overweight or obese, this is
Exactly what a number of scientists are currently working on.

according to
"Yahoo" site, University of Flinders scientists successful Australian experience
On mice while looking for a viable method to avoid weight gain.

This method removes a carrier gene called "RCAN1", after which the body agitates permanently.

Obesity is one of the major causes of serious health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.

The experiment included rats fed a saturated fat diet and the results showed that these animals remained agile after removal of the gene.

On the other hand, the rats were able to burn even more energy in the body
Remove the gene and scientists hope that these encouraging results will apply to the human body.

Those who want to lose weight, for the moment, are going to have a hard diet, exercises, and a stomach reduction surgery.

He alert
The researchers suggest that deleting this gene does not mean the end of the problems because the person who
Eating without control remains exposed to health problems, even if it is not obese.

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