You will not leave it before today .. 8 wonderful benefits of green tea


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Green tea, one of the most common hot drinks, treats many health problems and is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat headaches and depression.

We are currently examining 8 benefits of green tea, which contains high levels of antioxidants, according to the Medicine website, Sunday.

Protect the skin

Green tea effectively protects from the sun by neutralizing the roots produced by the sun and causing aging of the skin. Whether it is hot or cold, healthy tea benefits the body.

Reduce weight

Green tea increases the metabolic rate in the body and thus contributes to weight loss. One study showed a 4.6% reduction in body weight in the space of 3 months out of 70 people.

Prevents high blood pressure

A study has shown that green tea protects against the development of high blood pressure and that green tea components prevent this phenomenon by improving the flexibility of blood vessels.

Keep your teeth healthy

A large study conducted in Japan found that daily consumption of a cup of green tea preserves teeth and prevents gum disease that causes tooth loss in the elderly.

Reduces cholesterol

Regular consumption of green tea positively affects the reduction of cholesterol in the blood. One study showed that Japanese people who ate green tea daily had lower cholesterol levels.

Improves memory

A recent scientific study tested two of the ingredients found in green tea and found that these two components have the ability to stimulate brain activity and improve memory.

Prevents cold

The researchers found that green tea had a high content of antioxidants, which helped to strengthen the immune system, that is to say, to protect the body from colds and the flu in particular.

He fights Alzheimer's

A 2010 study showed that green tea plays a role in preventing the death of dementia-related dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

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