You would not imagine what she was doing, so a citizen was saved in Riyadh


Advanced clinical examinations led by a medical team at the hospital "Mohammed bin Abdul Aziz" solved the puzzle

Medical surgeons at Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz hospital in Riyadh rescued a woman who had been treated urgently complaining of having severe stomach pain after have been removed by advanced clinical examinations after gastrointestinal hospitalization. "The patient was complaining of abdominal pain, the vital signs were being examined and exhaustive tests were being performed, but all results were normal," said Dr. Khaled Ahmed, general surgery, laparoscopy and obesity consultant, in a statement [19659004]. The state of the patient called for hypnosis and examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract And then found a large mass of hair extending from the top to the bottom of the stomach with an ulcer in the stomach. "

And Abizaid:" The surgeons examined the best ways to remove the mass of hair and operated to remove the mass through the endoscope. Then he closed it by sewing and put a tube for the stomach. "

He continued:" The operation was successful, the patient took food and drink without medical problems and the patient was discharged from the hospital.

On the diagnosis of the case, Dr. Khalid Ahmed said that the patient is infected A rare disease known as "Rapunzel syndrome", a mental illness that results in the consumption of hair, which leads to a mass of hairs in the stomach or intestines, emphasizing that the habits associated with these mental disorders play an important role.

He added: "These customs include touching the hair follicles of the lips and chewing the hair, and in some rare cases the patient can eat this other hair syndrome like his brother or sister."

Most of them suffer from mental disabilities and certain disorders that lead to eating their hair or others, the first two patients feel the need to pull their hair to feel good and to relax, and the second has non-nutritious foods like clay, soap, tissues, dirt, hair and gravel. The most common symptoms of Rabunzel syndrome (85-95%) include abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, persistent vomiting, weight loss, constipation, and diarrhea. Can lead to certain complications, including stomach ulcers and intestines, and can explode the Qur

Dr. Khalid Ahmed advised parents to monitor their children and to examine psychiatrists whether traditions or abnormal habits were observed even if they were simple

You would not imagine what you were doing.

Medical surgeons at Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Hospital in Riyadh rescued a woman who had been treated urgently while complaining from an intense pain in the body. The stomach, after they were able to remove a mass of hairs from the stomach was discovered by advanced clinical tests after Tan "The patient complained of abdominal pain, vital signs were examined and complete tests were performed, but all results were for the patient, "said Dr. Khaled Ahmed, consultant in the Department of General Surgery and Endoscopic Surgery and Obesity. Normal. "

He added:" The patient's condition called for hypnosis and upper gastrointestinal examination of the endoscopic, and then there was a large mass of hair which stretched from the top to the bottom of the stomach. "

The best way to remove the hair mass, they decided to perform surgery to eradicate the biomass" The operation has successfully ended, and the patient took food and drink without medical problem, the patient was discharged from the hospital and followed in the outpatient clinic.Any complaint afterwards. "

On the diagnosis of the case Dr. Khalid Ahmed said that the patient has a rare condition known as "Rabunzel syndrome", a mental illness that causes a mass of hair in the stomach or intestines. at times, pointing out that the habits associated with these disorders

"These habits include touching the hair follicles of the lips and chewing the hair, and in some rare cases, the patient with this syndrome can eat the hair of any kind. others like his brother or sister. "

He stated that most people with mental disorders and certain disorders lead to eating their hair or the hair of others, two types of patients first feel the need to pull their hair and put them on on the lips to feel comfortable and relax. Healthy, like clay, soap and tissue [799004] The most common symptoms of Rabunzel syndrome (85-95%) of patients include: abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, Vomiting The disease can lead to certain complications, including gastric and intestinal ulcers, and the ulcer can explode, causing peritoneal inflammation, blood poisoning, and death.

Dr. Khalid Ahmed advised parents to monitor their children, Psychiatrists should note the emergence of any traditions or habits that are not normal, even if it's simple

The Exams advanced medical led by a medical team at the hospital "Mohammed bin Abdul Aziz" solved the mystery

Save the surgeon doctors to the hospital Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz in Riyadh, a citizen was ambulance The department of the urgency complaining of acute abdominal pain, after successfully removing a mass of hairs from the stomach was discovered by advanced clinical tests after the Department of the digestive system hypnosis.

The supervisor of the case "preceded" Dr. Khaled Ahmed General Surgery Consultant and Endoscopy and Obesity, "The patient was suffering from abdominal pain, examined the vital signs and perform a complete analysis However, all the results were normal. "

He added:" The condition of the patient required hypnosis and upper gastrointestinal examination of the endoscopic, then a large mass of hair extending from the upper to the lower stomach with a gastric ulcer. "

" Surgeons discussed the best ways to remove the hair mass and decided to operate to remove mass through the endoscope by opening the stomach and then closing and putting a tube for the stomach. "

He continued: "The operation succeeds without any medical problem, and the patient was discharged from the hospital and followed to the clinic" Dr. Khalid Ahmed said the patient has a rare disease known under the name "Rapunzel syndrome", a mental illness that causes hair consumption, which leads to "These habits include touching the hair follicles of the lips and chewing the hair.In some cases, rare cases A patient with this syndrome can eat other people's hair like his brother And his sister. "

He stated that most people with mental disorders and certain disorders lead to eat their hair or the hair of others, two types Patients first feel the need to pull their hair

The most common symptoms of Rabunzel syndrome, which affects 85-95% of patients, are the most common symptoms of Rhabonzel syndrome, which are f in pregnant women, children, the elderly and autistic patients. Includes: abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, persistent vomiting, p Weight loss, constipation and diarrhea indicate that the disease can lead to certain complications, including stomach ulcers and intestines, and can cause ulcers that cause inflammation of the peritoneal membrane and poisoning and death

. If unusual traditions or habits are observed, even if they are simple.

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