Your health in the recipe .. Broccoli cheddar for a healthy breakfast for kids boosts immunity


Breakfast and diversification are issues that many mothers face when making choices about what they can offer their child every morning. Most children do not eat broccoli. So you can change the body by your health in the recipe presented in the published report. mayoclinique Medical.

Brockley 1
Brockley 1

This balanced breakfast of broccoli and cheddar is one of the best choices your child can have to boost immunity and contain plenty of saturated dietary fiber, as well as the helpful fats needed to building and growth, as well as immunity rate in the morning and saturation rate to be alert at school.

Ingredients of the recipe:

Broccoli cup

Chopped onion

Half cup of water



A cup of delicious cheddar cheese

Pepper and salt on demand

Brockley 4
Brockley 4

Prescribing method:

Place the broccoli and grated onion in the bowl with a little water as you slowly add, until the broccoli is completely but very or very tender, in another cup, mix them together. Eggs, yogurt and cheese, mix well, then add the broccoli and onion mixture and cook in a tray for about 30 minutes. Or more depending on the quantity and depending on what you can test with a wooden "vinegar" until mature, and after leaving the oven, cheddar cheese has also been added to make the surface delicious and delicious.

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