Your health in the recipe .. Garlic and aloe vera for the treatment of oral ulcers


Oral ulcers are common health problems, a viral infection that causes vesicles filled with fluid around the mouth, lips, cheeks and nose, affects the appearance, is painful and transmits the infection.well"He said.

Treatment of oral ulcers
Oral ulcers

Oral ulcers are mainly due to herpes simplex infection. Some factors are also at the origin of oral ulcers, such as fever, stress, fatigue, fatigue, hormonal changes or weakening of the immune system.

Although oral ulcers can disappear in a few days without treatment, you can use these recipes to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

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Garlic Recipe

Garlic contains anti-viral properties, bacteria and fungi that can help treat pimples and ulcers caused by fever. It also contains anti-inflammatory agents that reduce swelling and inflammation and accelerate the healing of ulcers.


Peel the fresh garlic clove, then divide it in half. Put it on the affected area and repeat the operation 3 to 5 times a day.

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The recipe for aloe vera

Aloefera contains enzymes, antioxidants, minerals and fatty acids that help treat skin diseases such as mouth ulcers and prevent other infections.


Place a small amount of cactus gel or aloe vera in a glass container. – Use a clean piece of cotton and apply the gel directly to the mouth ulcers Use aloe vera throughout the day to speed up the healing process and relieve the pain.

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