Your health in the recipe .. Turmeric and chamomile for the treatment of colitis


Colitis is one of the most common gastric disorders: chronic pain, abdominal bloating, weight loss, hindering the ability to lead a normal life. Colitis can be caused by psychological stress, excessive fat intake and an abnormal immune system.

In a series of health topics in a recipe, the seventh day offers a natural recipe for treating colitis, according to a website. everyday health



Turmeric is a spice that contains a high percentage of vitamins and nutrients that act on the treatment of infections and fight bacteria and bacteria from the body. It contributes to the health of the immune system and the protection against diseases.



Chamomile is a plant that helps relieve pain and inflammation, helps treat colitis, promotes digestive health and protects against disturbances by boiling and eating chamomile twice a day.

Flax seeds


Contains a high percentage of vitamins and fiber that help promote the health of the digestive system and protect it from inflammation and pain through flax seeds with water and at the same time. daily diet.

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