Your medications and your age Reasons do not expect obesity and injury avoidance


We can not often distinguish between overweight and obese people, and maybe the difference between them is simple: the overweight person refers to the increase in body mass into fat, muscle, bone and liquids compared to normal, while the term "obesity" refers only to excess fat.

According to the medical website "Innerbody", the increase in adipose tissue causes in particular many diseases, including heart disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, liver disease, type 2 diabetes, respiratory disorders , sexual dysfunction, osteoporosis and some cancers. Obese people suffer from depression, social isolation and physical limitations.

Obesity generally results from an imbalance between calories and their intake, resulting in a high calorie diet and reduced physical activity, all of which contribute to the accumulation of fat in the body. the body.

With lifestyle changes and medications, it is possible to achieve a healthy weight and avoid illness, as well as surgical interventions that limit food intake or absorb slow fats.

What are the risk factors that cause obesity?

The body stores excess fat because of large amounts of calories, but inheritance and other health problems can also play a role. Known causes and risk factors for obesity include:

• Poor diet: unbalanced diet comprising few fruits and vegetables, as well as a large amount of fat and sugars such as fast foods and non-alcoholic beverages.

• An unhealthy lifestyle: poor health or other conditions that lead to prolonged inactivity causing obesity.

• Family: Children are more likely to become more likely to become obese because they generally follow the same diet and lifestyle as obese family members.

• Genetics: Evidence suggests that genes may play a role in hunger, fat storage, and calorie consumption in some obese people.

• Illness: Certain medical conditions, such as Brader-Wiley syndrome and Cushing's syndrome, are associated with obesity.

Medications: Antihypertensives, beta-drugs and some medications used to treat depression, diabetes and epilepsy can lead to weight gain.

• Pregnancy: Pregnant women who are necessarily overweight during pregnancy and who continue to gain weight after pregnancy are at risk of obesity.

• Age: The risk of obesity increases with age due to inactivity and low muscle mass, both of which cause weight gain.

Prevention of obesity

The best ways to maintain a healthy weight are:

– Regular exercise.

– A balanced diet low in saturated fats and added sugars.

– It is also important to take into account the medical or environmental factors causing hunger and inactivity.

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