Scarlett Johansson would still work with Woody Allen


Allen's daughter, Dylan Farrow, accused her of having sexually assaulted her when she was a child. Allen has always denied the allegation and has not been charged.

During the interview, Johansson was asked how she felt about Allen and replied: "I love Woody, I believe him, and I would work with him at all times. "

"I see Woody whenever I can, and I've had a lot of conversations with him.I've been very direct with him, and he's very direct with me.He maintains his innocence and I believe him. . "

As a result of the #MeToo movement, which has shone the spotlight on allegations of sexual assault and harassment in Hollywood and other industries, several actors have publicly stated their regret of having worked with Allen.

Johansson's comments angered social media.

List of actors refusing to work with Woody Allen lengthens

"Scarlett Johansson vehemently defended Woody Allen, becoming more and more one of the worst people working in Hollywood," tweeted Michael Cuby, editor of Them. "You really hate to see him."

During the interview, Johansson was asked about his position vis-à-vis Allen in the light of "the cultural environment in which a new and powerful focus is put on the fact of believe the women's allegations ".

"It's hard because it's a time when people are very excited, and that's understandable," she said. "Things had to be stirred up, and so people have a lot of passion and a lot of strong feelings and are angry, and rightly so – it's an intense time."

CNN asked Johansson for further comments.


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