Schumer decides to end debate on million dollar infrastructure bill


Majority leader in the Senate Charles SchumerChuck SchumerYouth organizations ask Biden to secure ‘bold’ climate investment New York Times calls on Cuomo to step down ‘The Squad’ celebrates moratorium on Biden expulsion MORE (DN.Y.) is preparing a vote Saturday to close debate on a roughly $ 1,000 billion infrastructure bill, with senators hoping to pass the law this weekend.

Schumer offered on Thursday night to hold Saturday’s vote, where he’ll need 60 votes to move forward, after a day of behind-the-scenes haggling that failed to produce a breakthrough.

“I believe we are very close to a deal and I see no reason why we cannot complete this important bipartisan bill,” Schumer said. “I therefore urge both sides to continue to work diligently to achieve this.”

A Democratic aide described Schumer’s move as a back-up plan that would ensure the Senate could take the procedural vote on Saturday in case he was unable to reach an agreement to complete the bill on Thursday, as was the case.

After more than two hours on the floor, the senators were unable to strike a deal to complete the bill on Thursday evening or agree to move quickly to the final passage once they met in new Saturday. This left some senators visibly frustrated as they left Capitol for the night.

Senators had hoped to reach agreement on between 16 and 25 more amendment votes, but that collapsed at the end of the night. Instead, they will vote to start ending debate on Saturday and have up to 60 hours to burn before the final passage.

“We really want to finish this important bill, so we will meet again on Saturday at noon to vote on closure, and then we will follow the regular order to complete the bill,” Schumer said.

Senators were seen huddling around Senator Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) During Thursday night’s vote, which lasted for hours, as they tried to convince him to strike a deal on a set of amendments.

“I was asked to consent to speeding up the process and passing it. I could not, in good conscience, allow this to happen at this hour, especially when the goal of the majority is to stand by. hurry up and pass this bill so they can move quickly to their $ 3.5 trillion tax and spending frenzy, ”Hagerty said in a statement, noting that the Senate had just obtained Thursday a Congressional Budget Office score.

Schumer and Hagerty had been expected by several senators to try to offer competing schedules on potential amendment votes and block each other’s demands; instead, the Senate ended its session with Sen. Kyrsten CinemaKyrsten SinemaYouth organizations call on Biden to secure ‘bold’ climate investments Democrats move towards August voting deadline (D-Arizona) thanking senators for “the work we have done together in a bipartisan fashion.”

His. Jean ThuneJohn Randolph ThuneSenate Considering Possible End Of Weekend For T Infrastructure Bill The Hill’s Morning Report – Featured By Facebook – Cuomo Defying Like Biden, Democrats Call For Resignation Senate GOP Focuses On Tackling The 500 billion Biden PLUS budget (RS.D.), Republican No. 2 in the Senate, said the anti-climate ending declared “colder heads prevailed.”

The inability to strike a deal came after leaders called an independent vote on a presidential candidate Thursday night to try to bring senators back to the floor to see if they could strike a deal that would allow them to finish the job. infrastructure bill late Thursday night, or as part of an overnight sitting that ends Friday morning.

Senators, however, had low expectations, predicting the bill would end over the weekend instead.

Asked about the possibility of passing the bill Thursday evening, Thune said earlier Thursday evening that he “didn’t feel it.”

“If you want to see the last pass, go home,” Thune added.

His. Josh hawleyJoshua (Josh) David HawleyOvernight Defense: Biden Administration Expands Afghan Refugee Program | The culture war arrives for the registration of women in the draft | US launches third strike in Somalia in recent weeks Coming in culture wars: Adding women to Biden bipartisan deal faces Senate challenge MORE (R-Mo.) Laughed when asked about the possibility of a deal Thursday night.

“A bunch of people have grips,” he said.

Other senators were seen leaving Capitol Hill, indicating they were heading home for the night.

Senators pointed to a few final sticking points that were slowing a final deal, including pressure from Sen. Shelby (R-Ala.) And other Republicans to add roughly $ 50 billion in defense infrastructure to the bill.

Meaning. Rob portmanRobert (Rob) Jones Portman Senate considers possible end of weekend for T infrastructure bill Kaine says he has votes to push Iraq war repeal to Senate Defense from Day to Day next day: Senate committee votes to remove Iraq war authorizations | Police officer fatally stabbed outside the Pentagon ID’d | Biden administrator approves first arms sale to Taiwan (R-Ohio) and Mark WarnerMark Robert Warner Hillicon Valley: Senators Highlight China’s Security Threats at Rare Public Hearing | Facebook is suspending the accounts of NYU researchers who criticized the platform. Biden Officials Support Repeal of Iraq War Authorization | NSC urged to oversee ‘Havana Syndrome’ response MORE (D-Va.) Were also fighting with Sens. Pat ToomeyPatrick (Pat) Joseph Toomey Black Women Seek To Build On Gains In Upcoming Election Watch Live: GOP Senators Introduce New Infrastructure Proposal Sasse Rebuilt By Nebraska Republican Party For Impeachment Vote MORE (R-Pa.), Ron WydenRonald (Ron) Lee Wyden The job of protecting journalists is not done Coming soon in Culture Wars: Adding women to project Democrats warn Biden’s spending plan could backfire MORE (D-Ore.) And Cynthia lummisCynthia Marie Lummis Former Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi dies in bicycle accident Former Senator Mike Enzi hospitalized after serious bicycle accident Republicans worried about Olympians’ use of digital yuan during Games from Beijing PLUS (R-Wyo.) On cryptocurrency policy, with competing amendments on who would be exempt from the tax provisions of the bill.

“I think we’re at a stalemate,” Toomey told reporters.

The White House voted Thursday night in favor of the Portman-Warner Amendment, engaging in the battle for the Senate.

“We are grateful to President Wyden for his leadership in pushing the Senate to address this issue, but we believe that the alternative amendment proposed by Senators Warner, Portman and Sinema strikes the right balance and takes an important step forward in promoting tax compliance. “White House spokesman Andrew Bates said.

Wyden hit back, saying in a statement that the Warner-Portman proposal “provides a government-approved safe haven for the most climate-damaging form of crypto technology called proof of work.”

Update: Aug 6, 12:40 a.m.


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