Scoop: Trump plans last minute crackdown in China


President Trump will enact a series of sweeping policies in its past 10 weeks to cement its legacy on China, senior administration officials with first-hand knowledge of the plans told Axios.

Why is this important: He will try to make the change of course politically untenable for the Biden administration as China acts aggressively from India to Hong Kong to Taiwan, and the pandemic triggers a second global wave of lockdowns.

  • Watch for Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe to publicly and comprehensively describe intelligence on China’s nefarious actions in the United States.

Details: Trump officials plan to sanction or restrict trade with more Chinese companies, government entities, and officials for alleged complicity in human rights abuses in Xinjiang and Hong Kong, or threatening national security. United States.

  • The administration will also crack down on China for its labor practices beyond Xinjiang forced labor camps.
  • But don’t expect further significant changes in Taiwan or more Chinese consulate closures in the United States, officials say.

National Security Council spokesperson John Ullyot told Axios: “Unless Beijing changes course and becomes a responsible player on the world stage, future US presidents will find it politically suicidal to reverse President Trump’s historic actions.”

In the wings: Senior administration officials are discussing expanding a Defense Ministry’s list of Chinese companies believed to have ties to the Chinese military.

  • An executive order issued last week banned U.S. investment in 31 of those companies, and any additions would likely be subject to a similar restriction.
  • Officials plan to target China’s growing use of forced labor in the highly competitive fishing industry. Forced and unpaid labor is not only a human rights concern – it can also give Chinese fisheries an advantage over rivals in an industry of geopolitical significance.
  • Trump officials have sought to transfer more hawkish Chinese experts to senior positions across the government, another senior official added.

What they say: “Director Ratcliffe will continue to play a leading role, in coordination with other national security officials, to bring about a necessary change of mindset from the Cold War and the fight against terrorism after the 11 September to a focus on major power competition with an antagonistic China, ”DNI Senior Advisor Cliff Sims told Axios.

  • Biden’s transition team declined a request for comment.


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