Scott Atlas to Michiganders: ‘Stand Up’ Against COVID-19 Restrictions


White House coronavirus adviser Dr Scott Atlas came under heavy criticism on Sunday when he tweeted that Michigan residents should “stand up” against Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s new COVID-19 restrictions.

Whitmer announced on Sunday that the state would institute new measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus in the state, including temporarily halting in-person classes at middle and high school, indoor meals at restaurants and home gatherings of more than 10 people. of more than two households.

The new restrictions begin Wednesday and will last for three weeks.

The United States is currently in the midst of a third wave of the virus and surpassed 11 million cases on Sunday.

Michigan had recorded more than 275,000 cases and 8,376 deaths as of Saturday, according to the state’s latest data available. At a press conference on Sunday, Whitmer described the current situation as “dire” and “the worst moment in this pandemic to date”.

“We are on the precipice and we must take action,” she said.

Following Whitmer’s announcement, Atlas took Twitter to express opposition to his plan, writing that “the only way it stops is if people stand up. You get what you accept. #FreedomMatters #StepUp.”

Atlas has been a controversial member of Trump’s coronavirus task force since joining the team in August.

The inclusion of Atlas in the task force was criticized as he is not an expert in infectious diseases and has preached controversial views on the virus. They include his disbelief in the effectiveness of face masks and his apparent push for a “herd immunity” coronavirus policy, which could lead to the deaths of more than a million Americans, according to a MedPage Today estimate. Atlas has denied pressuring the policy, but the Washington Post reported he did so behind closed doors.

As of Monday morning, 246,217 Americans died from the coronavirus, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

People on Twitter were quick to condemn Atlas’s comments, with some pointing out how inappropriate they were given the fact that Whitmer had recently been the target of a foiled kidnapping plot by a far-right group.

Three hours after his initial tweet, Atlas clarified his remarks, saying he was not calling for violence.

“Hey. I was NEVER talking about violence at all. People vote, people protest peacefully. I will NEVER endorse or incite violence. EVER !!” Atlas tweeted.

During an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Sunday night, Whitmer was asked about Atlas’s comments.

Gretchen whitmer

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer pictured on October 16, 2020.

Jim Watson / AFP via Getty Images

“Well, we know the White House likes to distinguish us here in Michigan, me in particular. I am not going to be bullied for not following top scientists and medical professionals,” he said. she declared.

“I’m listening to people who have studied and are highly respected around the world on these issues, not the person running for president on this one.”

Atlas did not immediately respond to Business Insider’s request for comment.

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