Scream Resurrection Recap: Season 3 Episode 4 – [Spoiler] Get killed


Do you like scary TV shows? Well, because we're about to break down episodes 3 and 4 of Scream: Resurrection. (Click here if you need to catch up on episodes 1 and 2.)

The second night of VH1 Scream: Resurrection killed two other members of the Deadfast club, while portraying the alleged "princess" of the group as very suspicious. Let's discuss.

Episode 3 returns Deion back to his hometown after Ghostface called him to tell him that he wants to know really "Ghostface also reveals that he killed Shane, but Deion does not really seem to care about it." In fact, I do not think anyone responds appropriately to him. Announcing the assassination of Shane – let alone Amir and Beth, who manage to have a full conversation about Amir's Halloween costume before he says to himself, "Oh, by the way, did you hear Shane was killed? It was probably ghosftace. "(Gee, you think ?!)

Letting Deion face Ghostface himself seems like a bad idea. The remaining members of the Deadfast Club therefore decide to follow him (which turns out to be an identical case). worst idea, but we'll come back to it later). With Liv and Amir in tow, Deion goes away, leaving Kym, Manny and Beth stuck at the gas station with a flat tire. (Thanks Liv!) Beth begins to panic, explaining that it's usually the part of the horror movie where things go wrong for the "secondary characters" (ie the three), and she does not. is not wrong.

For starters, a group of racist murderers (with Confederate soldier suits!) Chased Kym off the road after she accused them of slicing his tire. (Again … thanks Liv!) Despite the clashes with Kym earlier in the episode, Manny arrives with a tire iron and literally bursts one of the guy's arms, which scares the whole group.

Meanwhile, Deion arrives at the breakage where Marcus would have been killed and immediately meets Luthor, the man of whom he has always been held responsible – provided that he does not know the full story. According to Luthor, who suffers from a serious post-traumatic stress disorder linked to the war, Marcus is hidden in the trunk of a car after Deion's escape, while he is locked up and was asphyxiated to death. It was six months before Luthor finally discovered Marcus' corpse and buried it properly. But instead of giving Deion time to deal with this news, Ghostface comes up to create even more hell.

After crushing Luthor to death in a compact car, Ghostface is interested in Manny, who does not realize that Kym is already safe. Ghostface traps him in a car and turns on the burning cornfield, causing the car to explode and Manny's untimely death. And when we talk about lighting fires, it's more than a little suspicious when we discover that Liv has a secret drawer in his room. Where she keeps lighters. What's she using on … herself? I have questions.

ResurrectionThe fourth episode begins with the memorial Manny, very sad and lacking a lot of music "Alicia Keys-y". To make matters worse, Ghostface slips a note in a bouquet of flowers: the Deadfast Club must choose one of its members to die before 7:00 pm. This inspires Liv to share his theory that the killer might be one of them, this group immediately turning on her, explaining that she is most likely to be behind all this.

Anyway, they all decide to go to a safe place for the night: Deion connects Liv after a football session, Kym organizes his own private vigil for Manny (where she meets Hawkins, his secret companion for football !), And Amir invites himself for a sexy dance party at Beth – which, of course, is also a funeral home.

Deion finds Liv's secret drawer, which contains a receipt for the bouquet of flowers that Ghostface sent to Manny's memorial, but Liv reverses the situation, telling his father the pistol she found in Deion's bag. (Notice, this is after Ghostface reveals that Someone & # 39; a Deion is dead.) So, Liv's dad and Liv went for a walk in the woods, where we learn that Liv has been "acting destructively" since his parents' divorce. Hot Dad even goes so far as to call his behavior "unstable". Well at the right time, Ghostface comes in, stabs Hot Dad and knocks Deion. Upon awakening, Deion discovers that Ghostface has already alerted the police about the Hot Dad crisis, inspiring him to flee the scene.

Back at the house of Beth's horrors, Amir reveals that he named Deion, which led Ghostface to send him a text "SNITCHES GET STITCHES" before performing it in the manner of an elevator (which is even more macabre than it was). it seems). But before anyone had the chance to mourn poor Amir, the police showed up to arrest Deion for the attempted murder of Hot Dad.

Ok, comrade YellDo you speak: did one of the major deaths of Night 2 surprise you? Do you believe Luthor's story about Marcus? And what do you think of Hot Dad's warning about Liv's behavior? Whatever you think, drop it in a comment below.


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