Season-long push continues as Ohio State quarterback Justin Fields creates a pair online


On Saturday, members of the Ohio State Football Parents submitted a letter to Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren, asking him to reassess the decision to cancel the 2020 Big Ten football season, as well as other fall sports.

Ohio State quarterback Justin Fields created a petition on the website on Sunday, asking for signatures in the same effort. From the petition:

We, the Big Ten football players, as well as college football fans and supporters, call for the Big Ten Conference to immediately restore the 2020 football season. Allow the Big Ten players / teams to choose for themselves. they want to play or retire this fall. Allow Big Ten players / teams who choose not to play a fall season to do so without penalty (sic) or repercussions.

Why is this important?

We want to play. We believe that safety protocols have been established and can be maintained to alleviate concerns related to exposure to Covid 19. We believe that we should have the right to make decisions about what is best for our health and our condition. to come up. Don’t let our hard work and sacrifice be wasted. # Let us play!

By 11:40 a.m., the petition had already received more than 5,000 signatures and had been retweeted by various Ohio state football officials, including FPAOS, Mark Pantoni and Pete Werner.


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