Seattle among the big cities with dog attacks against postal workers


Postal workers and dogs have always had a precarious relationship; one wants to deliver the mail and the other does not understand what he is and thinks that the house is under attack.

A new study of the US Postal Service indicates that 5,714 postal employees were attacked by dogs in 2018, including 127 in Washington, including 27 in Seattle. In 2017, Seattle has 28 dog attacks on postal workers.

The numbers rank Seattle 22nd.

Houston dominated the list with 75 attacks last year. In fact, Texas has four cities in the top 10, although California has the most attacks with 794, reports KIRO 7.

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The numbers were published as part of National Dog Bite Prevention Week and this message seems to be passing. There have been 500 fewer postal dog attacks in 2017 and over 1,000 less than in 2016. This interactive map shows where bites occur nationwide.

According to Patch, USPS attributes part of the decline to a function of its mobile broadcast scanners, which indicates if there is a dog at the delivery address, but does not specify whether the dog is nice or not.

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"Our employees have taken preventative measures against dog attacks, but they also need the help of our customers," said Linda DeCarlo, director of security at USPS, in a statement. "We are confident that we can continue to reduce the trends of attacks, and the best way to do this is to increase the general awareness of all."

To help reduce the number of attacks, the USPS asks people to place their dog in a separate room before opening the front door, as dogs "are known to have blow up the screened doors or the bay windows to attack the visitors ". Dog ready to jump through a glass window, there may be a bigger problem.

They also ask that people do not accept letter mail in the presence of a dog, which can potentially be considered a threatening gesture.

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"If a postman feels threatened by a dog, or if a dog is loose or unleashed, the owner may be asked to remove the mail at a post office or at another location until the postman is insured. that the animal was retained USPS states.

The USPS does not have a dog, so it should be easy to pick up the mail.


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